Ayurvedic Recipes You Can Enjoy And Make Your Diwali Healthy
Celebrate a healthy Diwali with our Ayurvedic recipes, offering a delightful and nutritious twist to your festivities. Enjoy the flavors while taking care of your well-being.

The sweetness helps to keep the vayu, or wind, in the stomach in check, while the sour and salty tastes in the middle of the meal help to stoke the digestive fire. The meal is finished off with a taste that is pungent, bitter, and astringent, which helps to bring the Kapha dosha (earth) under control. An excess of anything is harmful, and we should strive to find a happy medium in terms of what we consume.
Keeping in mind that one ought to strike a balance between each flavor, Dr. Chauhan presents us some healthy dishes that may make your Diwali extra memorable and very healthful; not to mention, undeniably delectable.
Here Are Five Ayurvedic Recipes That You Can Delight In While Contributing To A Healthier Diwali:1. The Recipe for Chandrashoor Ladoo | The Chandrashoor Ladoo Recipe Calls For:Ladoos can be made out of Chandrashoor, a famous salad that contains seeds and can be utilized to make the salad itself. The Chandrashoor ladoos are loaded with healthy ingredients. They contribute to a decrease in both blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In addition, they are of great assistance in maintaining the health of the lungs and the stomach.
Ingredients Twenty-five grams of chandrashoor seeds100 grams of coconut milk or water300 grams of jaggery.100 grams of shredded coconut25 grams of almonds1 teaspoon of jaiphal powder1 teaspoon of gheeThe method
- Chandrashoor should be soaked for three to four days in coconut milk or water.
- Almonds and cashew nuts should be ground into a fine powder.
- Put a pan on the stovetop and add one to two teaspoons of ghee to it.
- After the ghee has completely melted, the jaggery can be added to it.
- Maintain over a low flame until the jaggery has completely melted.
- Mix it thoroughly after adding the Chandrashoor that has been soaked.
- Grated coconut should be added to the mixture.
- Combine it well, and then continue cooking it until all of the water has evaporated. Next, incorporate some jaiphal powder.
- At last, incorporate the almond and cashew powder into the mixture.
- Maintain the correct rotation of the mixture for a certain amount of time.
- It is best to wait till it has cooled down before rolling it into round ladoos.
Recipe for Ginger and Amla Barfi | Instructions for Making Ginger and Amla Barfi
The ginger amla barfi has a moderate amount of calories but a wonderful flavor, and it is filled with the health benefits of vitamin C and minerals. It is a wonderful option for a snack to have in the evening because it helps boost immunity and digestion and makes digestion even better.
Components or parts250 grams worth of gooseberries300 grams of sugar3/4 of a cup of ghee1 tablespoon of corn flour1/2 cup of flour that can be used for anything2 tablespoons of cashew nuts1 tablespoon of cinnamon powderGinger, fifty gramsThe method
- To prepare a paste from the goose berries, first boil them to remove the seeds, then ground the berries.
- After the ginger peel has been washed and boiled, it should be ground into a thick paste.
- In a bowl that is already hot, combine sugar and water to form a syrup that has the consistency of one thread.
- Now, add the goose berry paste and the ginger paste, and begin to stir with a spoon while gradually adding the ghee.
- As soon as it reaches the consistency of a thick paste, include the all-purpose flour, corn flour, and cinnamon powder into the mixture while stirring it completely with a spoon.
- When the ghee begins to come out, turn off the flame and transfer the ghee to another plate by spreading it on it first.
- Cashew nuts should be used as a garnish after being cut into bits.
- They are now prepared to be of service.
Recipe For Badam Halwa | Instructions On How To Make Badam Halwa
This delicious almond recipe will help to improve the vitality of the brain, strengthen muscles, stimulate the liver, and lengthen life.
Badam, half a cup stuffed withSugar, one-half cup weighed out1/4 cup of ghee, also known as clarified butterOptional sweetened condensed milk - 3 tbsp1 pinch of saffron or yellow food coloring, whatever you like.Elaichi number 1, in powdered formThe method
- Soak the badam for three to four hours. After peeling the skin, crush it to a smooth paste together with a quarter cup of milk or water.
- Put the sugar and the half cup of water into a pot with a heavy bottom, and heat the mixture over high heat until the sugar is dissolved.
- To prevent lumps from forming, thoroughly combine the ground paste after adding it.
- Condensed milk, saffron that has been steeped in lukewarm milk or food coloring, and elaichi should be added to the mixture.
- Continue to whisk the mixture for the next four minutes.
- Continue adding one teaspoon of ghee at a time while swirling constantly until the halwa pulls away from the sides of the pan.
- Place the contents on a plate that has been oiled, and then allow it to cool.
Recipe for Roasted Sesame Seeds | Instructions for Making Roasted Sesame Seeds Recipe
This one is a tasty way to gain the great advantages of sesame, as it nourishes your skin, hair, memory, intelligence, and digestion. Sesame seeds are ground into a fine powder and mixed with water.
One hundred grams of raw sesame seeds100 grams of raw sugar in powdered formThe method
- Get a pot that has a heavy bottom and heat it up on the burner.
- Place the sesame seeds in the pan and toast them over a low flame until they get slightly browned.
- Take care to prevent the seeds from becoming burnt.
- Remove it from the heat and let it to cool down. Proceed by reducing these seeds to a powdery consistency.
- Mix everything well after adding the powdered raw sugar.
- Place in a container that can seal off air.
- This makes for a satisfying snack during the colder months.