How safe is your child’s food in a plastic tiffin box?

The concept of safe plastic does not exist. Know from an expert if your child’s food in a plastic tiffin is safe or not.

How safe is your child’s food in a plastic tiffin box?

Numerous types of plastics have been found to have residues of endocrine disrupting chemicals, making them possibly carcinogenic, according to recent investigations and research.

Dr. Sanjay Wazir also addressed BPA, which has come under increased investigation as a consequence of research demonstrating that it can harm an unborn child's brain development and the reproductive system. BPA is another chemical that is routinely put to food plastics.

The effects of BPS and BPF, two prevalent alternatives used in products marketed as "BPA-free," may be similar to those of their forebears, according to studies, said Dr. Sanjay Wazir.

Plastic items should not be used around children in particular since they are harmful.

The following are some justifications for avoiding plastic food and drink containers:

1. They are harmful to your health and toxic.

We all have a basic understanding of this fact, but we choose to ignore it. The reality that plastic is dangerous still stands, though.

Your plastic lunchboxes leak dangerous chemicals like phthalates, PVS, and BPA into the food they hold.

Such substances can cause serious health issues like cancer, high blood pressure, hormonal imbalances, or even heart attacks when eaten.

Plastic lunchboxes that are safe are a scam. No plastic, no matter how harmless it might appear to be, emits poisonous compounds and is harmful to your health.


Additionally, we have always been aware of this. Plastic is not biodegradable and is bad for the environment.

Everyone has heard the recommendation to recycle and stay away from plastic. It's past time that we started putting it into action.

A very small and simple step that might be made to bring about this change would be to stop using plastic lunch boxes.


Everything is made of plastic around us. We eat a lot of food that contains a lot of microplastic. As a result, it constantly enters our bodies.

Several studies have also suggested that it may play a role in significant health problems including obesity.


When food is heated and held in a plastic container, chemical compounds are released into the food, destroying both its freshness and delectability.


Here are some ideas for reducing your reliance on plastic and avoiding including it in your meals:

1. Whenever possible, switch from plastic tiffins to glass or metal containers.

2. Steer clear of using microwaves to reheat food in takeaway containers or other non-reusable plastic containers.

3. Steer clear of storing fatty or oily foods in plastic because many of the chemicals used to make plastic are fat-soluble and more likely to leach into fatty food.

4. Avoid using plastic water bottles, which contribute significantly to the widespread usage of microplastics.